Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Wants: Canon EOS 600D

Another item on my wishlist - Canon EOS 600D

I have been wanting to get a DSLR since 2 years back. And ever since I joined my current company, that want have been getting stronger. No thanks to a professional photographer and camera enthusiast in my department. He would bring is Pro $5K DSLR to our outings and I would get to take some photos with it. The quality and feel of the photos are totally different from those using a point and shoot camera!!

This model that I am lemming for is one of the latest semi-pro cameras from Canon and it has a swivel screen and can also take HD videos. And from advices from my pro photographer friend, I am getting this model with the kit II where the EFS18-135IS lens is included. No point paying a few hundred dollars later when this lens can cover the range of the kit I. Gonna wait for the coming IT show in June and checkout what promo they'll be offering..
DSLRs - Digital SLR cameras (EOS) - EOS 600D - Canon Singapore - Personal

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