Monday, August 23, 2010

J's Birthday Surprise - Part 2

Part 2 of J's birthday surprises.

After brunch, we made a trip down to Duxton Hills to get some cakes from Flor Patisserie before heading down to Gallery Hotel which was the second surprise of the day. J was trying to guess where we were going to spend the night at from the moment I picked him up.

I was deliberating between Gallery Hotel and Studio M but I booked Gallery in the end as it was stated in that there was bathtub but when we got there we realised that not all the rooms had bathtub. We requested a change but all the other rooms with bathtub were full so we just had to settle for the room that we had.

We took a dip in the empty swimming pool shortly after checking in and then went back to bath and prepare for dinner ..

(Click to enlarge)

Part 3 of this 3 part miniseries coming up soon ..~~ Looking forward to being Mrs Tan ~~

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