Friday, July 09, 2010

Apple iPhone 4 issues

The iPhone 4 will be released in Singapore sometime this month and I have been waiting anxiously for its arrival on our shores. However, with the recent reports on the issues that iPhone 4 users are facing, I am having second thoughts about upgrading my phone before Apple has solved the issues. One of the main problems that users have reported are that dropped calls are fairly frequent.

This morning I came across and article in MyPaper addressing the issue of dropped called by a scientist in a leading American university who requested not to be named so I do not know how true his statement is.
"Dampness and naturally occuring salts on the hands of the general populace help them form a better connection with the iPhone 4's exposed antenna. And that exposure is what causes dropped calls... Having bare metal antennae purposely handled will absolutely short (circuit) the signal"
Source: MyPaper - Reported by Wired UK quoting a Post doc biochemistry scientist at a leading American university who asked not to be named

Here's the full article from MyPaper. Click on article to view it.

~~ Looking forward to being Mrs Tan ~~

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